Sexi-Blatt April 26 - October 7, 2012
Seven works by Creative Growth artist Dwight Mackintosh are included in an Art Brut group exhibition at Galerie Gugging, Austria.
Sexuality is a central theme in Art Brut. The way in which fantasies, wishes, dreams or fears around the subject of eroticism are expressed and processed is at times very drastic and unequivocal.
On view are works that focus on such content, with artists Ida Buchmann, Anton Dobay, Johann Fischer, Franz Gableck, Giovanni Galli, Johann Garber, Johann Hauser, Johann Korec, Dwight Mackintosh, Miroslav Tichý, Oswald Tschirtner, Friedrich Schröder-Sonnenstern, Karl Vondal and August Walla.