August 1 - October 7, 2012 In the first major Asian museum survey of Creative Growth Art Center, the exhibition Different and Special, curated by Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art Director Hyo-Joon Choi, features 29 Creative Growth artists and over 150 of their works in the first and largest public exhibition on artists with disabilities to ever show in Korea.
As the sole U.S. representative and the largest center to be featured in this exhibition, Creative Growth joins Korean organizations, Able Art Center in Suwon and Rawside in Seoul, as well as Tanpopo-no-ye in Japan, which are like-minded centers that aim to empower and promote the creative expression of artists with disabilities. Together, a total of approximately 400 works are presented in a variety of media, including installations, videos, drawings, ceramics, and textiles.
Participating Creative Growth artists include: Juan Aguilera, Luis Aguilera, David Albertsen, Francisco Andrade, Marion Bolton, Terri Bowden, Jerome Carter, Kerry Damianakes, Louis Estape, Jackie Frank, Sher-ron Freeman, Allan Lofberg, Franna Lusson, John Martin, Dan Miller, Donald Mitchell, John Mullins, Erin Punzel, William Scott, Dinah Shapiro, Lulu Sotelo, Gerone Spruill, Ruth Stafford, Gregory Stoper, Christine Szeto, Alice Ung, Ron Veasey, Merritt Wallace, George Wilson.
Below: Photos by the Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art